The announcement of Queensland's second TAFE Centre of Excellence has set the state up as the national leader in clean energy battery and technology training.

Growth in Australia's clean energy sector will be supported by the Centre of Excellence thanks to a joint $20 million investment from the state and Commonwealth governments.

The TAFE Centre of Excellence – Clean Energy (Batteries) has been established under Queensland Skills Strategy, and the five-year National Skills Agreement between the Commonwealth and states and territories. It forms part of a proposed national network of up to 20 TAFE centres of excellence in various fields.

Queensland's latest statewide TAFE Centre of Excellence, coordinated from TAFE Queensland's SkillsTech campuses, will secure the skilled workforce we need to meet our clean energy targets.

Additionally, it offers Queenslanders front row access to the new job opportunities being created through the energy transition happening before our eyes.

The growing demand for energy storage, household energy efficiency upgrades and electric vehicles requires a vocationally trained and qualified workforce, which is made clear by the Queensland Energy and Jobs Plan.

The Queensland Energy and Jobs Plan predicts that our state’s energy transformation will support 100,000 jobs by 2040, with the majority being available in regional Queensland.

More than 36,000 of these job opportunities are expected to be in green growth areas such as renewable hydrogen, battery manufacturing, resource mining and metal refining.

The new TAFE Centre of Excellence will support a wide spectrum of qualifications, including promoting and implementing higher apprenticeship pathways into the clean energy sector through the Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Advanced Manufacturing), which is currently in development with industry.

Skilling solutions will be developed in partnership with industry, universities, unions, local operators and employers, and other TAFE's nationally to meet both local and industry-wide priorities.

The 17 September 2024 announcement of the TAFE Centre of Excellence – Clean Energy (Batteries) complements the Queensland Government's Free TAFE and Free Apprenticeships under 25s initiatives which all support the qualification of more Queenslanders for clean energy related roles.

Subscribe to Queensland Jobs and Skills Connect to stay updated on the TAFE Centres of Excellence as well as other workforce and skills development initiatives in Queensland, including actions of our workforce and skills strategies.

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Last updated 27 September 2024

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