Transition to Success program evaluation

Find an outcome evaluation of the effectiveness of the Transition to success program by Deloitte Access Economics.

Restorative justice conferencing program evaluation

Read about the evaluation of the restorative justice conferencing program, including performance and early outcomes.

Supervised community accommodation program evaluation

Learn about the independent evaluation of Youth Justice's supervised community accommodation program.

Electronic monitoring trial evaluation

Find out more about the electronic monitoring trial evaluation.

Intensive case management evaluation

Read about the evaluation of the Youth Justice Intensive case management program.

Youth justice reforms review

Find key findings about the delivery of recent youth justice reforms targeting serious, repeat youth offenders.

On Country evaluation

Read the evaluation about the On Country program, providing cultural-based rehabilitation for First Nations young people.

Community Youth Response and Diversion evaluation

Read the evaluation on the Community Youth Response and Diversion program, providing early intervention and diversion services to young people.

Queensland Youth Partnership Initiative review

Read the review on the QLD Youth Partnership Initiative (QYPI), providing engagement activities for young people congregating around shopping centres.

Youth co-responder teams evaluation

Read about the evaluation of the youth co-responder teams, including data on engagement with at-risk youths.