The Palm Island Digital Service Centre has won the Premier's Industry Collaboration Award at the 2024 Queensland Training Awards.

The community-owned and operated centre, run by the Palm Island Community Company, was recognised for its training programs and providing ongoing employment for residents.

The centre is a partnership between TAFE Queensland, Palm Island Community Company (PICC), Telstra Australia, Rainbow Gateway, Palm Island Aboriginal Shire Council, Queensland Government and MEGT Australia.

To secure employment at the centre, First Nations training participants undertake a 12-week pre-employment training program with TAFE Queensland before commencing their traineeship, where they will go on to achieve a Certificate III in Business.

During the initial part of this program, participants engage in 2 weeks of soft skills training facilitated by the Queensland Government's Back to Work Jobseeker Officers.

Back to Work also provides on-going support through the Pre-employment Program to ensure participants have access to necessary resources.

The training is a great example of collaboration, as students, the community and TAFE teachers work hand-in-hand.

The Palm Island Digital Service program provides a culturally safe workplace that delivers tailored digital training, upskilling and employment opportunities to local people and builds community confidence, capacity, and capability.

The Australian Government also recognised the success of the Palm Island Digital Service Centre and has awarded Palm Island Community Company a 'Closing the Gap' contract to deliver a community services program and bootcamp to help fill local employment opportunities.

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Last updated 15 October 2024

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