About the Queensland Workforce Summit 2022
A skilled and high performing workforce is key to Queensland's economic growth and recovery.
Despite the strong response to challenges presented by COVID-19, Queensland businesses continue to face significant challenges across the skilled and unskilled workforce.
The Queensland Government hosted the Queensland Workforce Summit 2022 in Brisbane on 11 March 2022
Bringing together international and Queensland industry and economic experts, thought leaders and change makers, the Summit addressed current and future workforce challenges and generated plans for the future of work in Queensland.
The Summit focused on developing a collaborative plan for the next phase of our recovery.
The Summit generated innovative and practical solutions that are needed now to ensure Queensland has a ready workforce to support growth, strengthen our communities and keep Queensland at the forefront of new economic opportunities.
The Summit focused on:
- developing cooperative actions to identify workforce challenges and address systemic challenges
- gaining insights from industry experts and leaders
- identifying creative opportunities to expand workforce participation
- creating greater collaboration, networking and partnerships to build cross-sector and regional connections
- identifying ways to support employers, jobseekers and regions to realise new opportunities
- recognising the role of all levels of government and initiatives.
Summit summary and highlight videos
Find out what happened at the Summit by watching these videos:
Summit summary communique
Download the Summit Communique for a summary of Summit outcomes.
Visual story of highlights
During the Summit, visual artist Tatum Kenna developed live visual stories of some of the points raised in each of the plenary and workshop panel discussions.
Keynote address visual summary
- Growing your own through industry and place-based workforce approaches
- Harnessing future workforce opportunities interactive session visual summary
- Where to from here panel discussion visual summary
Case studies
These case study videos showcase leading examples of how Queenslanders are implementing each of the Summit's plenary and workshop themes. We sincerely thank all organisations involved for helping to profile these great initiatives.
Plenary 1: 'Growing your own' through industry and place-based workforce approaches
Workshop 1: Shaping work ready Queenslanders through improved school to work experiences
- Agribusiness Gateway to Industry Schools Program (Department of Agriculture and Fisheries and Corinda State High School)
Workshop 2: Maximising workforce participation
- Improving women's workforce opportunities (Queensland Council of Social Service)
- Recruit Smarter Program to support workforce diversity (Dr Victor Sojo Monzon, Senior Lecturer in Leadership, University of Melbourne)
- Workforce inclusivity and women's empowerment programs (Centacare FNQ)
Workshop 3: Attracting and retaining staff in the new norm
Workshop 4: Skilling Queenslanders – now and into the future
- Queensland Future Skills partnership (TAFE Queensland and BHP)
- Lean manufacturing upskilling program to support the competitiveness of Queensland's manufacturing sector (Industry Skills Advisor, Manufacturing and STODDART)
Plenary 2: Harnessing future workforce opportunities
- Queensland's emerging hydrogen industry (QUT and other clean energy providers)
- Containers for Change initiative (Cherbourg Aboriginal Shire Council’s recycling facility)