We collect vocational education and training (VET) participation and outcomes data from registered training organisations including those delivering Queensland Government funded VET activity.

This data is used to populate the national data set collected by the National Centre for Vocational Educational Research (NCVER) and is used for local reports. Statistics presented in these reports may vary to those produced by NCVER due to differences in counting rules and time periods being reported.

VET participation

VET participation reports summarise the total count of students who have participated in VET activity during the financial year. The reports are limited to Queensland Government funded VET students who have at least one subject outcome (successful or otherwise). Data is available for the last 5 financial years.

VET outcomes

VET outcome reports provide a count of qualifications completed by students participating in Queensland Government funded VET and are reported by financial years. Data is available for the last 5 financial years.

VET Annual Summary Data Slicer

Use the data slicer to filter Queensland Government funded VET participation and VET qualification completion data by multiple measures across 5 financial years.

Registered training organisation and Skills Assure supplier counts

This report provides a count of registered training organisations (RTOs) and Skills Assure suppliers (SAS) as at 30 June 2024.

Read more about registered training organisations (RTOs) from the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA).

Learn more about Skills Assure suppliers (SAS). Note: SAS was known as PQS until July 2020.

Contact us

Email data@desbt.qld.gov.au about statistics on this page.

You can also request data on the Queensland Government Open Data Portal. Provide a detailed description of the data required, including the type of data, time, series and geography.

National training data

Last updated 4 February 2025

Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia (CC BY 3.0)