Current key departmental training publications

Good Jobs, Great Training: Queensland Skills Strategy 2024–2028
Good Jobs, Great Training sets the future direction for the training system, building on strengths and unlocking billions in national and state government funding to support the state's growing and changing workforce.

Paving the Way – the First Nations Training Strategy
The Queensland Government is committed to supporting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and communities to be better connected with training and skilling opportunities that link to sustainable jobs.

Building future skills – TAFE infrastructure plans
The Queensland Government is investing in projects to revitalise training facilities on TAFE campuses around Queensland.

Other departmental publications

Reports and publications
Find other departmental reports and publications, including the annual report, strategic and disability service plans.

Responses to Jobs Queensland reports
View departmental responses and actions to Jobs Queensland reports and plans.

Archived publications

Skills for Queensland – Great training for quality jobs
The Queensland Government's skills strategy implemented from 2019–20.

Advancing skills for the future: a strategy for vocational education and training in Queensland
The consultation paper for Advancing skills for the future: a strategy for vocational education and training in Queensland (PDF, 1.2 MB) was released in February 2017 and closed for feedback on 13 April 2017. Read a summary of the input received during the consultation process (PDF, 818KB).

Last updated 20 May 2024

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