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New skills strategy released
20 May 2024: Good Jobs, Great Training – Queensland's new skills strategy has been released, setting the direction for the state's training system to support the state's growing and changing workforce over the next 5 years.
The Skills Assure framework commenced on 1 July 2020 to support delivery of the Queensland Government's core vocational education and training (VET) funding programs:
- Certificate 3 Guarantee – provides a government subsidy to allow eligible Queenslanders to obtain their first post-school certificate III qualification.
- Higher Level Skills – provides a government subsidy in selected certificate IV and above qualifications and priority skill sets, to help students gain the higher level skills required to secure employment or career advancement in a priority industry.
- User Choice – provides public funding for the delivery of accredited, entry level training to apprentices and trainees.
To enable the Queensland Government to deliver nationally recognised training and support students under these programs, the Department of Employment, Small Business and Training contracts registered training organisations (RTOs), known as Skills Assure Suppliers (SAS), to provide these services.
Currently, there are over 355 Skills Assure Suppliers contracted to deliver training across the state to approximately 200,000 students each year in priority industry sectors such as construction, health, agriculture, business, aged care and disability support.
New SAS framework
Developing a new SAS framework is a key action under the Good Jobs, Great Training: Queensland Skills Strategy 2024–2028. A new framework is being developed to target and maximise outcomes from government's significant investment in training for Queenslanders and Queensland.
The Queensland Skills Strategy commits to a system focused on priority skills and achieving results, where TAFE is supported by a network of quality-assured training providers to deliver subsidised training for Queensland and Queenslanders. New funded training arrangements will actively inform investment, maximise outcomes and achieve priorities outlined in the strategy and the landmark National Skills Agreement.
Developed and implemented over time, the new SAS framework will use evidence to better target skills investment, including what courses are funded, with what provider, when and where. It will also see more outcomes-focused monitoring, looking at the performance of funded training and providers to best meet student needs, connect with industry and drive employment outcomes.
A simpler program model will streamline contracting arrangements, also making it easier for Queenslanders to understand and navigate their subsidised training options.
When will arrangements change?
The new SAS framework will be developed alongside the first annual Training Priorities Plan – another initial action of the Queensland Skills Strategy, due later in 2024. While a new SAS framework is being developed, there will be no systemic changes to current SAS arrangements.
Pilots and other activity will be undertaken to inform the framework's design throughout 2024, including the Rural and Remote Pilot.
Over time, all eligible RTOs will have the opportunity to apply to be a government-contracted supplier of priority skills training with streamlined single contracts for delivery across core skills programs and ongoing monitoring to ensure high standards are maintained.
Staying up to date
Updates on the implementation of the Queensland Skills Strategy will be provided across departmental communications, including the SAS newsletter, Contract Connector, and this website.
To learn more about the strategy, its actions and consultation insights, and to subscribe to updates on the implementation, visit Queensland Skills Strategy.
New SAS contracting alert
Subscribe to our new SAS contracting alert. Alert emails will advise when the new SAS framework is open, including eligibility requirements for RTOs and details on how a new expression of interest process will work.
If you emailed your interest prior to 20 May 2024, you don't need to subscribe, as details have been transferred. Current SAS also don't need to subscribe to receive alert information.
More information
- Find out more about operating as a Skills Assure Supplier.