Future of Work – Skills and Industry Summit

On 28 November 2018, the Honourable Annastacia Palaszczuk MP, Queensland Premier and Minister for Trade, convened the Future of Work – Skills and Industry Summit.

Industry, small business, universities, the training sector, unions and government came together to discuss how we can ensure Queensland has the skilled workers needed for the jobs of the future. Delegates were provided with a pre-reading pack (PDF, 2.6MB) to help frame the key questions for the day.

The Summit included a roundtable of industry leaders, followed by a larger session including presentations, a facilitated panel and workshops.

Key themes that emerged included:

  • collaborating and recognising our shared responsibility to plan for and invest in future skills needs
  • looking at our skilling culture and changing the way we view skills and trade-based careers so these pathways are opened and encouraged
  • encouraging participation and highlighting the opportunity that exists for employers and employees to engage with a broader range of people, including our ageing workforce and people from diverse backgrounds
  • ensuring we are supporting the productivity of all regions and industries which includes thinking about our future workforce needs and planning to match supply and demand
  • responding quickly to training needs and new technology through a modern, flexible training system
  • the impact of new technologies on industry and skills.

Read the summary of the summit outcomes (PDF, 2.2MB) for more details.

Skills for Queensland discussion paper

In September 2018, the Queensland Government released the discussion paper Skills for Queensland for public consultation. The discussion paper invited feedback from stakeholders to inform the proposed Skills Strategy.

Download a copy of the Skills for Queensland discussion paper (PDF, 813KB).

Stakeholder views were sought on questions related to 3 key themes:

  • meeting the need for skills through industry advice and market settings
  • the role of providers in delivering VET services
  • encouraging all Queenslanders to participate in VET.

A summary of the input received during the consultation process (PDF, 818KB) is available.

Public consultation and submissions in response to the discussion paper closed in October 2018. The feedback received from stakeholders is informing the development of the Skills Strategy.

Last updated 5 August 2019

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