The Department of Employment, Small Business and Training was established in December 2023.

The department recognises the important relationship between employment outcomes, strong small businesses, and a skilled workforce to the wellbeing of Queenslanders and their communities.

Our Director-General

Peter McKay

Peter McKay is the Director-General for the Department of Employment, Small Business and Training, assuming the role from 3 June 2024.

Peter brings over 25 years public sector experience where he has led service delivery, policy, corporate and regulatory functions across a broad range of Queensland Government agencies.

Delivering more impactful public services through improved leadership has been a strong focus of his recent work, including development of new public employment laws for a fair and responsive public sector.

Peter believes that working in partnerships is the pathway to better services. His most recent role as Deputy Director-General of the Office of Industrial Relations has focused on improving the performance and reputation of their important regulatory functions.

Peter sees the importance of DESBT's functions in supporting Queenslanders to improve their social and economic circumstances by connecting their hopes with the opportunities that our programs provide.

Service area structure

The department's service area structure based on the 2023-24 Service Delivery Statements (SDS) (PDF, 2.1MB) as at 30 June 2023 is as follows:

Department's service areaDepartment's objectives


Connecting and supporting Queenslanders with employment programs and services
To increase employment opportunities for all Queenslanders, in particular disadvantaged cohorts.

Preparing Queensland's workforce for the demands of current and future industries.

Small Business

Connecting Queensland small business to grants and support programs
To ensure small business can seamlessly interact with government and are supported to start, grow and thrive.

Helping small businesses to start, grow and thrive.

Training and skills

Connecting Queenslanders to training and skills programs and initiatives
To regulate Queensland apprenticeships and traineeships and facilitate access to and participation in vocational education and training pathways, enabling Queenslanders to gain employment in current and future industries.

Connecting people to quality training and skills.

The department is responsible for supporting the Minister for Employment and Small Business and Minister for Training and Skills Development. In supporting the Minister, the department is maintaining high-quality services and focusing on implementing the government's objectives for the community and its government commitments.

During 2022–23, the department worked collaboratively with government and stakeholders in delivering the following government commitments:

  • worked to achieve the target of 25% of government procurement from Queensland small and medium businesses
  • provided funding for the establishment the Caloundra Business Alliance to roll out the Buy Local initiative, a Shop Caloundra EFTPOS card
  • established the Office of the Queensland Small Business Commissioner
  • developed targeted engagement strategies and re-invigorated the Queensland Small Business Advisory Council
  • developed a First Nations Training Strategy in consultation with communities to identify training gaps and deliver job-focused training to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
  • developed a First Nations Training Strategy in consultation with communities to identify training gaps and deliver job-focused training to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
  • completed stage 2 of Toowoomba TAFE's new Rural Centre of Excellence
  • constructed the Cyber Security Training Operation Centre at Mooloolaba TAFE
  • completed delivery of the fit-out of the new eco-friendly TAFE campus at Robina
  • completed upgrades to nursing and allied health facilities at Hervey Bay TAFE.

Read the September 2023 progress report on 2020 government election commitments (PDF, 1MB).

Following recent changes to departmental responsibilities, we are now the Department of Employment, Small Business and Training (DESBT). Work is underway to update our websites. Find information on youth justice.

Last updated 3 June 2024

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