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Funding announcements
9 January 2025: 2024–25 second funding round projects announced. View funded project lists.
3 February 2025: Application window for 2025-26 first funding round now open.
3 April 2025: First funding round for 2025–26 closes.
Youth Skills is one of 8 programs that form part of the Queensland Government's Skilling Queenslanders for Work initiative. Through a suite of targeted skills and training programs, Skilling Queenslanders for Work aims to improve the skills, employment opportunities and social inclusion of disadvantaged Queenslanders.
Program overview
Youth Skills offers customised training to support young people aged 15–24 years who are engaged with, or at risk of engaging with, Youth Justice Services or Queensland Corrective Services to gain nationally recognised skills and vocational qualifications up to and including a certificate III level.
In 2025–26, up to $3.5 million in funding will be available to community-based organisations to assist these young Queenslanders to gain a qualification and build skills that will maximise their local employment opportunities.
Funded projects
For job seekers, the best way to find a current Skilling Queenslanders for Work project is by navigating a map.
To view projects recently announced under the Skilling Queenslanders for Work initiative, go to the funded project lists.
Who does the program support?
Youth Skills targets young people who are engaged with Youth Justice, Queensland Corrective Services or the Queensland Police Service.
Individuals accessing Australian Government services are eligible if they are disadvantaged and require complementary services, regardless of the length of time they have been unemployed or in receipt of assistance.
Individuals who have completed the Queensland Government's Transition 2 Success program are also eligible for assistance.
What does the program fund?
Youth Skills is not a general education program. It maintains a clear focus on the attainment of nationally recognised qualifications in demand by local employers.
Youth Skills has a project-based delivery model and funds organisations to deliver customised training opportunities which include:
- nationally recognised training to gain qualifications (including foundation skills) up to certificate III level and delivered in a community-based setting
- integrated learner support, including career advice, job preparation skills and case management.
Youth Skills will fund the tailored support that must accompany the delivery of training and the student co-contribution fees. Training and assessment services under Youth Skills are funded under the Certificate 3 Guarantee.
Who can apply for funding?
Community-based not-for-profit organisations, registered for GST, that have the relevant capacity and experience to work with young Queenslanders who are engaged with Youth Justice Services or Queensland Corrective Services are encouraged to apply for funding.
Funding levels and conditions
Funding is available for a maximum 12-month term. The level of funding is dependent on the type of project and nature of the training and assistance to be provided, as well as the number of participants targeted.
Training should be practical and customised to meet each participant's needs.
How to apply
Applications are accepted during 2 open funding rounds each year.
First and second rounds generally open February/March and August/September respectively.
Learn more about the application process and how to apply.
Program documents
Youth Skills Guidelines for funding 2025–26 (PDF, 344KB)
Youth Skills 2025–26 fact sheet (PDF, 211KB)
Sample Skilling Queenslanders for Work services agreement (PDF, 533KB)
Contact us
Phone 1300 369 935
Community organisations and other eligible organisations with specific enquiries regarding project proposals can contact their local DTET regional office or email
Related information
- Find information for community organisations.
- Learn how to apply for funding.
- Find information for existing SQW providers.
- Community Work Skills
- Work Skills Traineeships
- Ready for Work
- Get Set for Work
- Community Foundation Skills
- Skill Up
- Certificate 3 Guarantee
- Funded project lists