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Funding announcement
9 January 2025: View the 2024–25 second funding round projects (XLSX, 18KB) supporting the Queensland Mental Health, Alcohol and Other Drugs Implementation Plan.
3 February 2025: 2025–26 first funding round opens for applications.
27 March 2025: First funding round for 2025–26 closes.
As part of the Queensland Mental Health, Alcohol and Other Drugs (MHAOD) Implementation Plan, an additional $10 million will be provided over 4 years to expand the existing Work Skills Traineeships program.
Program overview
In 2024–25, in addition to the $37.35 million in funding available under Work Skills Traineeships, and to support the MHAOD Implementation Plan, $3 million will be available to fund projects which will provide jobs to people experiencing mental ill-health and alcohol and other drug issues.
Learn more about the Work Skills Traineeships program.
Funded projects
For job seekers, the best way to find a current Skilling Queenslanders for Work project is by navigating a map.
To view the projects recently announced under the Skilling Queenslanders for Work initiative, go to the funded projects lists.
View the current projects supporting the Queensland MHAOD Implementation Plan (XLSX, 20KB).
How to apply
Applications are accepted during 2 open funding rounds each year. First and second rounds generally open February/March and August/September respectively.
Projects to support the Queensland MHAOD Implementation Plan must be submitted via the Training and Skills Program portal under the existing Work Skills Traineeships program. Identify that your application will target this cohort by nominating the target group as MHAOD in the 'other target group' section of the application.
Organisations applying to deliver a Work Skills Traineeships project supporting the MHAOD Implementation Plan must demonstrate that the organisation has a core value to supporting people with mental ill-health and alcohol and other drug issues.
Learn more about the application process and how to apply.