Certificate 3 Guarantee

Certificate 3 Guarantee enables eligible individuals to obtain their first post-school certificate III qualification.

Higher Level Skills

Higher Level Skills enables individuals to gain higher level qualifications to secure employment, career advancement or transition to further study.

Incentives for employers of apprentices and trainees

Employers of apprentices and trainees may be eligible for support to reduce training and supervision costs.


Free TAFE provides you and your employees with free training in high-demand industries, including business, hospitality, tourism and health.

Free Apprenticeships

Free training for apprentices and trainees in priority qualifications who commence (or already undertaking) their training during a specific period.

Skilling Queenslanders for Work

Information for employers about Skilling Queenslanders for Work, supporting job seekers with skills and qualifications to get and stay in a job.

Back to Work

Back to Work supports eligible employers to hire eligible unemployed job seekers with payments of up to $20,000 available.

Trade Skills Assessment and Gap Training program

This program allows eligible Queenslanders with substantial industry experience the opportunity to complete a priority trade qualification.

Micro-credentialing Program

Read how micro-credentials provide opportunities to support changing workplaces by providing focused training for new and transitioning employees.

Higher Level Apprenticeship Pilot

Find out how the government is aiming to deliver the higher level skills needed for the emerging fourth industrial revolutions, or Industry 4.0.

Industry proposal for funding

Submit a request, on behalf of your industry, to fund nationally recognised qualifications or skill sets under Queensland Government subsidy programs.

Australian Government and industry funding

Funding and incentives available for employers from the Australian Government and industry.

Apprenticeships work for everyone

Taking on an apprentice means they get to learn from your experience and your business gets access to funding and incentives.

Find out how

Training Scammer Hotline

If you have a complaint related to misleading advertising, such as your response to a job advertisment has been unknowingly referred to a training provider to enrol in a government subsidised qualification, contact the Training Scammer Hotline – Queensland Training Ombudsman on 1800 773 048.

Email your complaint

Queensland Skills Strategy

The Queensland Skills Strategy is strengthening the state's TAFE and training system and investing billions into skills to support the state's growing and changing workforce.

Learn more about the strategy