The Queensland Government—through the Department of Trade, Employment and Training (DTET)—funds a range of training pathways for Queenslanders at all career stages. With a goal to increase the number of Queenslanders with formal post-school qualifications, government funding is directed to qualifications that:

  • minimise skills shortages
  • and
  • focus on training for jobs that are in demand in our critical industries.

To learn more about our skilling priorities, initiatives and where funding is being invested, view our:

What is an industry proposal

The industry proposal enables industry to submit a request for funding of nationally recognised qualifications or skill sets, not already funded by the Queensland Government.

You can submit an industry proposal to request funding under:

  • Certificate 3 Guarantee program – provides eligible students access to a subsidised training place in a priority Certificate III or lower-level qualification, to help them gain employment in a critical occupation, progress in their chosen career or transition to university.
  • Higher Level Skills program – provides eligible students access to a subsidised training place in selected Certificate IV or higher-level qualifications and nationally recognised skill sets to help them gain employment or career advancement in a priority industry.

View the Priority Skills List for qualifications and skill sets already funded under these subsidy programs.

User Choice program

To submit a request under the User Choice program, which provides funding contributions to support delivery of nationally recognised training in declared priority apprenticeship and traineeship qualifications for eligible apprentices and trainees in Queensland, use the Declaration of an apprenticeship or traineeship and the allocation of User Choice funding arrangements application to either:

  • apply to declare new apprenticeships or traineeships
  • propose User Choice funding allocation for new and existing declared apprenticeships or traineeships.

View the User Choice Price List which specifies current funding contributions towards the total cost of training for apprentices and trainees. Apprenticeships and traineeships not on this list are not funded. Visit the Queensland Training Information Service (QTIS) to find all declared apprenticeships and traineeships and existing funding arrangements.

Changes to subsidy programs

Under a new framework to commence 1 July 2025, the above subsidised programs will be transitioned to new programs. There will be 3 subsidy programs aligned to different career stages:

  • Career Ready (for school students) – from the start of 2026 school year
  • Career Start (for job seekers) – from 1 July 2025
  • Career Boost (for workers) – from 1 July 2025.

Who can submit a proposal

Proposals can be submitted by industry stakeholders, such as employers or industry bodies working and/or specialising in the industry sector for the associated training project(s).

We do not accept industry proposals from registered training organisations (RTOs) or organisations providing consultancy services to RTOs.

Qualification criteria

To consider the proposal, the requested qualification(s) must:

  • be nationally recognised
  • have one or more RTOs approved to deliver training
  • and
  • be listed on

We are less likely to consider proposals for qualifications or skill sets with fewer than 20 annual commencements – these qualifications and skill sets risk creating 'thin markets' that may not ensure cost-effective quality training.

Letters of industry support

Letters of support from within your industry is a mandatory requirement and must be attached to your proposal. For each qualification or skill set listed on your proposal, you must provide a minimum of 3 industry stakeholder letters, with at least 2 of those letters from employers.

The letters of support must:

  • be on a company letterhead
  • be signed and dated
  • have the author's full name, title, position and contact information
  • outline the demand for new entrants, pathways into the labour market, career advancement opportunities and/or anticipated job outcomes for graduates within the industry sector
  • include the intent of employers/industry to employ apprentices/trainees and support graduates
  • include any support form RTOs, including those recognised as Skills Assure Suppliers (SAS), capable of delivering the services in Queensland, or non-SAS RTOs if SAS options are not available.

Complete and submit the proposal

Complete an industry proposal (DOCX, 154KB)

Before submitting, ensure all sections of the proposal are completed in full. Include citations for all data and references used (where relevant) to facilitate our verification and assessment process.

You'll receive a confirmation of receipt within 2 business days.

Assessment and notification of outcome

We'll assess the information and evidence you provide in conjunction with a range of other criteria.

Our review process includes, but is not limited to:

You'll be informed of the outcome of your proposal in writing. Due to the detailed nature of the review process, it may take up to 3 months from the date of lodgement for the assessment to be completed and the final decision communicated.

If further information is required at any stage of the process, we'll contact you. If your proposal is not approved, you'll receive feedback on the reasons for the decision.

For more information regarding the assessment process, email

Last updated 28 February 2025

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