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The Trade Skills Assessment and Gap Training (TSAGT) program gives eligible Queenslanders with substantial industry experience the opportunity to complete a priority trade qualification.
The program provides participants with:
- recognition of prior learning (RPL)—assessment of the skills of experienced individuals who can demonstrate substantial competency in a priority trade qualification
- gap training of no more than 40% of the funded competencies/points to complete the trade qualification.
The program aims to:
- support participants to achieve a priority trade qualification
- minimise current and potential trade skills shortages
- address emerging trade skills needs in the economy or in communities
- support individual career advancement within industries.
Read the TSAGT program policy (PDF, 215KB) to learn more.
For participants
To participate in the TSAGT program, you must:
- be 21 years of age or older
- have several years of relevant industry experience – your employment history must substantiate your experience
- not have previously completed a trade qualification in the same industry area (e.g. an industry area is defined as qualifications in the same national training package)
- not currently be an apprentice or trainee with a signed training contract under the Further Education and Training Act 2014
- enrol in an eligible priority trade qualification (XLS, 91KB)
- enrol at a contracted training provider (PDF, 65KB).
The definition of a priority trade qualification doesn't include every qualification declared and listed as an apprenticeship or traineeship. TSAGT targets most, but not all, apprenticeships that have been declared as a restricted calling in Queensland.
For training providers
TSAGT is closed to new contracts
Monitor this page for further updates.
Funding amounts and student contributions
As outlined in the TSAGT program policy (PDF, 1.1MB) funding is provided, per participant, at a rate of:
- $2,000 for RPL assessment
- $2,700 to deliver any gap training required.
There is no minimum amount of funding per request.
Participants are required to contribute to the cost of their gap training only – at a rate of $1.60 per nominal hour, or where eligible, at the User Choice concessional rate. Participants are not required to contribute to the RPL component.
Participant eligibility
Participants must have substantial industry experience, and not already hold a trade qualification in the same industry area.
For the purposes of the TSAGT program, the same industry area is defined as a qualification within the same national training package.
You may request to recruit participants outside of the eligibility criteria – provide us with a business case addressing emerging skilling needs and verified evidence of employers' commitment.
RPL and credit transfers
Achieving a qualification under the TSAGT program must involve both RPL and gap training. An entire qualification cannot be achieved through RPL only. And while credit transfers can be reported under the program, the RPL component cannot comprise entirely of credit transfers.
Overseas qualifications
An RPL is required if there is no Commonwealth of Australia mutual recognition arrangement for the trade occupation with the country that issued the original qualification.
To determine the credit outcomes of a participant's application for credit under the AQF, the RPL assessment will involve assessing the participant's relevant prior learning including:
- formal (credit transfer)
- information (unstructured and unaccredited
- non-formal (structured and unaccredited).
Issuing a qualification
Upon successful completion of a qualification under the TSAGT program, use the TSAGT testamur (PDF, 331KB) which meets AQF issuance requirements and specifically references the TSAGT pathway.