Training contacts

Telephone 1300 369 935
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Telephone 1800 210 210
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Queensland Training Ombudsman
Telephone 1800 773 048
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Are you a Queensland employer needing qualified and skilled staff for your workforce?

Incentives are available for employers who recruit Queensland job seekers as part of the Queensland Government's Skilling Queenslanders for Work and Back to Work initiatives.

Employers also have the opportunity to support and participate in local Skilling Queenslanders for Work training projects designed to equip job seekers with the skills, qualifications and experience needed to enter and stay in the workforce.

First Start

First Start provides wage subsidies to local councils and community organisations to employ young people and disadvantaged job seekers in traineeships. The program allows job seekers to gain a nationally recognised qualification and at least 12 months employment as a trainee.

View the First Start guidelines for funding 2024–25 (PDF, 376KB) for more information.

Back to Work

Under Back to Work, eligible employers will be supported to hire an eligible unemployed job seeker with payments of up to $20,000 available.

Visit the Back to Work website for payments, eligibility and further details.

Related information

Last updated 1 July 2024

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