The Training and Skills Programs Portal enables eligible organisations to apply for program funding available through the Department of Employment, Small Business and Training.

Creating and accessing your account
Submitting an application
Application assistance

Creating and accessing your account

Why do I need to create an account?

Applications for several departmental funded programs must be submitted via the Training and Skills Programs Portal.

The portal enables eligible organisations to apply for program funding in a secure cloud-based environment, requiring account registration and login.

How do I register an account?

To register, visit the Training and Skills Programs Portal and click on the 'Register' link. Follow the system prompts to verify email, sign-in and complete profile and organisation details.

I registered my details to create an account but haven't received my confirmation email.

Check your junk mail first.

If you haven't received an email within 1 hour of registering, contact us on 1300 369 935 during business hours or email

What is the difference between Portal Administrators and General Portal Users?

When an organisation is registered with the Training and Skills Programs Portal for the first time, the user who registers the organisation will, by default, become the Portal Administrator. The Portal Administrator will manage other General Portal Users who want to associate to the organisation and submit and view applications for a funding program/round.

Portal Administrators approve access to other users when they register an account and associate to the organisation. Portal Administrators can grant or revoke access to other users at any time by navigating to the 'My Organisation' tab of their account and clicking on 'Grant Access'/'Revoke Access' for the user they wish to associate/disassociate.

Portal Administrators and General Portal Users will have the same level of access to be able to create, edit, submit and view applications relevant to the organisation. This means that users will be able to view and access applications that were created by other users associated to the organisation.

If you wish to change the Portal Administrator for your organisation's account, contact us on 1300 369 935 during business hours or email

How do I join an organisation/link my account to an already registered organisation?

You'll be able to associate to an organisation at time of registration. Throughout the registration process, you'll be prompted to enter the ABN of the organisation you want to be associated to. Once confirming the organisation association, the Portal Administrator will be sent a request to grant access to the account, allowing you to create new and view existing funding applications.

How do I add and remove users from my organisation account?

You'll be able to grant and revoke access to an organisation account if you're the Portal Administrator. Once logged in to your account, click on the 'My Organisation' tab and click on the 'Grant Access'/'Revoke Access' links within the dropdown icon of the 'Actions' column.

How do I change my password?

To change your password, login to your account and click on the 'Change Password' option under your account name.

How do we change organisation details?

To update organisation details, contact us on 1300 369 935 during business hours or email

Submitting an application

To submit an application, follow these steps:

  1. Login to your Training and Skills Programs Portal account (from anywhere and any device with internet access).
  2. Navigate to the 'Applications' tab and select the application form for the program you want to apply for.
  3. Read and accept terms and conditions. Note you'll have to accept these at the beginning of every application.
  4. Complete the application form, uploading any required supporting materials and using relevant templates supplied on the portal.
    • You can complete your application over time.
    • When you click on the 'Save & Next' button, your application is automatically saved. The portal doesn't save mid-page.
  5. Review your application, ensuring it is completed and read and accept declaration terms. From the last page of your application, you can review any part via the 'Applications' tab.
  6. Click the 'Save & Submit' button to lodge your funding application.

Once submitted, you'll receive an email confirming that your application has been received.

Top tips:

  • Applications can be completed over time.
  • Application pages are automatically saved upon clicking the 'Next' button.
  • Use the Tab key to jump from field to field.
  • All fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.
  • When mandatory fields have not been completed, validation error notifications will appear. You must complete these fields before progressing.

It is recommended you submit your application no later than 2 days prior to the closing date to ensure any unforeseen issues do not prevent organisations from applying.

What is the maximum file size for attachments?

The maximum file size is 10MB per attachment.

Preferred file types include PDF, DOC and DOCX.

Can I save my application and finish it another time?

Yes. After you start an application, you can close it at any time and reopen it later by navigating to the 'Applications' tab and selecting the 'Edit' option of the application under 'My Organisations Funding Applications'.

As you progress through the application, the application is automatically saved every time you click the 'Save & Next' button.

Will I receive an email confirming my application has been submitted?

Yes. A 'receipt of application' email will be sent confirming successful submission of your application.

I didn't receive an email confirming my application has been submitted.

Check your junk mail first.

If there is still an issue, contact us on 1300 369 935 during business hours or email

How do I apply for multiple funding programs?

You must complete a separate funding application for every program you are applying for funding for. This means a single application cannot seek funds under 2 different funding programs (e.g. Skilling Queenslanders for Work (SQW) and Indigenous Workforce and Skills Development Grant). A single application also cannot seek funds under 2 different SQW programs (e.g. Community Work Skills and Work Skills Traineeships).

When seeking to deliver a program across multiple locations, a separate funding application is also required for every departmental region. For example, a single application for Get Set for Work funding can include delivery in both Mareeba and Cairns (which are in the one region), but separate applications will be needed for delivery in Cairns and Townsville (which are in different regions).

My project will be delivered in multiple locations within one departmental region, how to I represent this in my application?

Forms enable you to select one primary delivery location and the option to add other delivery locations, if applicable.

A look up list of Queensland postcodes and locations is provided relevant to the departmental region that you are applying for.

Can I update my application after it has been submitted?

No. Once applications are submitted, they can't be edited—make sure you check your application in full before submitting.

However, you can request amendments and attach additional supporting documentation before the closing date via email to referencing the specific application (program name, region and date submitted).

Can I submit after funding round applications close?

No. Applications cannot be submitted after the published closing time and date.

Organisations are encouraged to aim to complete their applications well before the formal closing date, to ensure that unforeseen issues do not prevent the submission of an application.


How secure is the portal, and how will information be stored and used?

The Training and Skills Programs Portal is a secure cloud-based environment that complies with government information and security standards.

Information collected is used for the purposes of assessing program funding applications and contracts.

Refer to terms of use and privacy statement for more information.

When will I know if an application is successful or not?

Successful applicants will receive an email with a formal offer of funding in the week following a statement released by the Minister for Training and Skills Development, announcing funding round outcomes.

A letter is posted to unsuccessful applicants within 24 hours of a Ministerial announcement.

Will I receive feedback on an application?

Unsuccessful applicants are invited to seek feedback from the department when they are formally notified of funding round outcomes. The feedback process is outlined at this time.

If dissatisfied with the feedback, applicant organisations can follow the appeal process outlined in program guidelines.

If I don't have internet access, can I submit via other means?

No. All organisations seeking funding are expected to have access to the internet.

What are the technical requirements of accessing the portal?

The portal is based on the Microsoft Dynamics 365 portal platform. For an optimum experience, the latest version of one of the following browsers should be used:

  • Microsoft Edge or Internet Explorer 11
  • Google Chrome
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Safari for OSX.

Screen reader accessibility is provided for desktop and laptop devices, as follows:

  • Apple Macbooks – Safari browser with in-built voice-over screen reader
  • Windows – Internet Explorer 10 or above browser using a JAWS screen reader.

Browser security settings

The portal will function correctly using the default security settings for the browser. For example, the default privacy setting for Internet Explorer 11 is medium and the internet zone setting is medium high.

The following settings are always required:

  • cookies must be enabled
  • Javascript must be enabled
  • compatibility view must be 'off' for Internet Explorer.

Application assistance

Organisations are encouraged to contact their local DESBT regional office to discuss their project proposals.

For technical and other online applications assistance, and to contact your nearest regional office, email or phone 1300 369 935.

Last updated 8 May 2024

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