The User Choice subsidy represents the level of public funding the government contributes towards the total cost of training for apprentices and trainees. Other contributions by industry, employers, apprentices and trainees will generally be required.

User Choice qualification and price list (XLS, 78KB)

The User Choice qualifications and prices are also available on the Queensland Training Information Service.

Not all apprenticeships and traineeships attract government funding. The funding priority will determine the level of public funds contributed to training regardless of whether the qualification is an apprenticeship or traineeship.

Historical price lists

Funding priority levels

The funding priorities under the User Choice program are:

  1. Priority One (100% subsidised) qualifications are those which lead to occupations deemed to be critical priorities in Queensland.
  2. Priority Two (87.5% subsidised) qualifications are those which lead to occupations not deemed critical in Queensland but considered as high priorities.
  3. Priority Three (75% subsidised) qualifications are those which lead to occupations not deemed critical in Queensland but considered as medium priorities.

The User Choice funding priorities are determined from national and state data in conjunction with industry input and are reviewed annually.

Industry stakeholders that are seeking funding, or review of a priority level, for a declared apprenticeship or traineeship should complete the relevant sections of the Declaration of an apprenticeship or traineeship and the allocation of User Choice funding arrangements application.

Priority Population Groups

Priority Population Groups (PPG) are those declared on the national Apprenticeship/Traineeship Contract, such as individuals of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander origin, individuals from a non-English speaking background and individuals with a disability, impairment or long-term condition.

Individuals identified as belonging to a PPG undertaking a Priority Two or Priority Three qualification will receive 100 per cent of the government contribution.

School-based apprentices and trainees

School-based apprentices and trainees receive funding aligned to the priority level of the qualification.

Existing workers

Existing workers with an active registration number commencement date or recommencement date from 1 January 2017 are eligible for funding when undertaking Priority One, Priority Two or Priority Three qualifications.

Existing workers with an active registration number commencement date or recommencement date up to 31 December 2016, irrespective of whether they belong to a PPG, are eligible for funding only when undertaking Priority One qualifications.

Location loadings

Training delivered in country, remote, Cape York and Torres Strait regions of the state will attract a location loading in addition to the government contribution. A full list of locations and the relevant loadings is available on the User Choice documents page.

To be eligible to claim the Cape York and Torres Strait loadings, training and assessment services must not only be delivered in the Cape York or Torres Strait region, but be provided to participants that reside in the Cape York or Torres Strait region — as encapsulated by the 4871, 4873, 4874, 4875, 4876 and 4895 postcodes areas only.

Restricted qualifications

Some qualifications, such as those considered as thin markets, are managed under special arrangements by the department. Only registered training organisations who hold a Skills Assure Supplier status and are specifically authorised by the department can deliver publicly funded training for these qualifications. The User Choice qualification and price list (linked above) identifies the qualifications which are restricted.

Trade Skills Assessment and Gap Training

The Trade Skills Assessment and Gap Training program aims to assess the skills of experienced individuals who can demonstrate substantial competency in a priority trade qualification and provide gap training of no more than 40 per cent of the funded competencies to complete the trade qualification.

Department approved User Choice Skills Assure Suppliers with (1) an eligible scope of registration and (2) links to employers willing to upskill employees or employ graduates on completion of the program, are eligible to apply for funding.

Find out about Trade Skills Assessment and Gap Training.

Language, Literacy and Numeracy funding

Limited funding is available from the department for Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) support for eligible apprentices and trainees. Funding will be provided under a separate agreement to the approved registered training organisations.

Approved RTOs must provide LLN services to any eligible apprentice or trainee registered on the department's DELTA system, excluding school-based apprentices and trainees. In the case of school-based apprentices and trainees, contact should be made with the relevant secondary school, as the school is responsible for providing LLN support.

The approved LLN suppliers are listed below:

  • TAFE Queensland
  • Blue Dog Training Pty Ltd
  • Construction Skills Training Centre
  • CQUniversity Australia.

Enterprise-specific registered training organisations (ESRTOs) and National registered training organisations (NRTOs)

Under the previous User Choice 2006–2010 program, organisations referred to as enterprise-specific registered training organisations (ESRTOs) and national registered training organisations (NRTOs), received a different level of funding than other RTOs. The department removed ESRTO and NRTO status under all programs following the 2006–2010 program. All training organisations now have the same classification, and if approved to be a Skills Assure Supplier must be available to deliver training to all apprentices and trainees, not just their own employees.

Last updated 28 February 2025

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