Apprenticeships work for everyone

Whoever you are, whatever your goals, there's an apprenticeship or traineeship that can work for you.

Search for VET qualifications
Browse the Queensland Skills Gateway for vocational education and training (VET) qualifications available across Queensland. Find information on qualifications, training providers, government funding, career pathways, and complete a simple questionnaire to see if you're eligible for government funding.

Search for apprenticeship and traineeship qualifications
The Queensland Training Information Service (QTIS) provides information on apprenticeships and traineeships approved for delivery in Queensland, including details on supporting courses and qualifications, restricted callings and approved training providers.

Employment skills development programs (ESDPs)
ESDPs cover a diverse range of activities aimed at re-engaging young people (aged 15–17 years) who have left school early or are at risk of leaving school. ESDPs offer young people an eligible option for engagement during their 'compulsory participation phase'.

Short and refresher courses
Learn about Adult Community Education (ACE) programs—vocational and learner interest focused short courses to develop your skills.

Student guide
Tips to help you enrol in a training course. Find information on where to go for assistance if you're not satisfied with the quality of the training provided or the service received from your training provider.

Training for licences
To work in certain occupations, a person may need to meet occupational licensing or regulatory requirements. Read about industry licensing and how licensing requirements relate to training packages.

Last updated 21 December 2023

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