To apply to have your overseas qualification assessed, please follow the process outlined below.

  • Complete an application form by:
  • Provide A4-sized certified* copies of documents, including:
    • certificate, degree or diploma in the original language and an official English translation
    • full academic transcript / mark sheet showing the number of years, subjects studied and results obtained in the original language and an official English translation
    • evidence of Australian residency status (current visa / VEVO Visa Entitlement Verification Online)
    • proof of name change (e.g. birth certificate or marriage certificate) (if applicable).
  • Scan/PDF your completed application form and certified* copies of your documents. Email to, or submit via post to:

    Overseas Qualification Unit
    PO Box 15483
    CITY EAST  QLD  4002

*To be certified, documents must be signed by an Australian Justice of the Peace, or Commissioner for Declarations or other authorised certifying officer. Learn more about certifying on the Department of Home Affairs website.

The assessment process

The Overseas Qualification Unit offers a free overseas qualification assessment service for Queensland residents who have permission to work or study in Australia. Application processing times can vary and applications can take up to 6 weeks to process.

The Overseas Qualification Unit can provide you with an assessment advice which compares the educational level of your overseas qualification against the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF).

Your overseas qualifications will be assessed using guidelines published by the Australian Government Department of Education. If your qualification can be assessed under the national assessment guidelines, you will receive written advice of how your qualification compares against the below AQF qualification levels.

AQF LevelQualification
Level 4 Certificate IV
Level 5 Diploma
Level 6 Advanced Diploma
Associate Degree
Level 7 Bachelor Degree
Level 8 Bachelor Honours Degree
Graduate Certificate
Graduate Diploma
Level 9 Masters Degree
Level 10 Doctoral Degree

What qualifications can be assessed?

Overseas qualifications that compare to an Australian certificate IV level or higher and have been issued by a recognised educational institution may be able to be assessed under the guidelines. In most cases, this means qualifications issued by universities that are recognised by the country of origin and some higher level vocational qualifications. The Overseas Qualifications Unit does not assess trade qualifications.

Certified copies of documents

You are required to submit certified copies of documents with your application. To have a document certified, take the original document (driver licence, qualification award, etc) and a copy of the document to an Australian Justice of the Peace (JP), Commissioner for Declarations (Cdec), or other authorised certifying officer. Read more about who can certify documents from the Department of Home Affairs.

At no cost to you, the certifying officer will stamp and sign a photocopy or make a written statement certifying that the photocopy is a true copy of the original. Most major shopping centres offer a JP service. You can search for a local JP or Cdec.

Translating and interpreting support

Help is available if you need to have documents officially translated to English. The Australian Government's Department of Home Affairs provides a free document translating service for eligible Australian citizens and new migrants settling permanently in Australia.

If you are not eligible for the free translating service, consider other translation providers. Visit the National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters (NAATI) online directory to find a translator.

If you have difficulty with spoken English and have questions about the application form, you can contact the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) on 131 450. TIS can telephone the Overseas Qualification Unit and interpret at no cost to you.

Contact us

Overseas Qualification Unit
Phone: 1300 369 935

Last updated 25 November 2022

Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia (CC BY 3.0)