The Electrical Industry Trainer and Assessor Traineeship and Scholarship Pilot (the Pilot) supports experienced electricians to transition into trainer and assessor roles, helping to address training delays for electrical apprentices.

The Pilot was implemented following advice from the Queensland Training Ombudsman and the Electrical Safety Commissioner regarding significant challenges that registered training organisations (RTOs) face in attracting and retaining trainers and assessors, particularly in regional, rural, and remote areas.

These shortages are contributing to delays in training and workforce gaps, as the number of electrical apprenticeships increases. By increasing the number of qualified trainers and assessors in the electrical industry, training capacity will be expanded to support apprenticeship outcomes and a more sustainable workforce.

The Pilot aligns with the Queensland Government's commitment to strengthen the vocational education and training (VET) sector under Good Jobs, Great Training: Queensland Skills Strategy 2024–2028.


The Pilot aims to:

  • support experienced electricians in obtaining Certificate IV in Training and Assessment to become qualified trainers and assessors
  • provide financial incentives to eligible Skills Assure Suppliers (SAS)* to encourage the recruitment of new trainers and assessors
  • increase participation from underrepresented groups, including First Nations peoples, women, and individuals in regional and remote areas of Queensland
  • increase the availability of electrical training across Queensland.

*SAS are pre-approved RTOs who deliver training and assessment services subsidised by the Department of Trade, Employment and Training (DTET).

How the Pilot works

The Pilot consists of 2 components:

  • a fee-free traineeship (with employer incentives available to SAS who employ trainees)
  • a scholarship payment to eligible trainees.

Participants are employed by one of the approved SAS as a trainee. They will complete Certificate IV in Training and Assessment through a 12-month traineeship (funded under User Choice) with training delivered by TAFE Queensland and CQUniversity.

There are 25 traineeship places available in the Pilot.

The eligible SAS who employ the trainees will receive a $20,000 employer incentive from DTET:

  • $10,000 after the 60-day probationary period
  • $10,000 upon traineeship completion.

The Pilot also funds a scholarship for approved trainees from the following underrepresented groups:

  • First Nations peoples
  • women
  • people in regional and remote areas of Queensland.

Scholarship recipients will receive $5,000:

  • $2,000 after the 60-day probationary period
  • $3,000 upon employment with a SAS 6 months after traineeship completion.


To be eligible, participants must:

  • have completed a Certificate III in Electrotechnology Electrician
  • have relevant industry experience.

The Pilot is only available through Queensland-based SAS who deliver Certificate III in Electrotechnology Electrician. This means a participant must be employed as a trainee by one of the following SAS:

  • Ausinet
  • Australian Skills Group
  • Australian Trade Training College
  • CQUniversity
  • Electrogroup
  • Ergon Energy
  • Major Training Group
  • TAFE Queensland
  • Tec-NQ.

To find out more, and apply for the traineeship and scholarship, contact one of the above SAS.

DTET is committed to diverse traineeship approaches, including part-time models which meet the eligibility requirements and are interested in trainer and assessors opportunities.

Related information

Last updated 21 March 2025

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