The Certificate 3 Guarantee supports eligible individuals to complete their first post-school certificate III level qualification and increase their skills to move into employment, re-enter the workforce or advance their career.

The program also supports school students to access training and Queensland's Year 12 graduates to transition to employment by providing free training in high priority qualifications.

What qualifications are subsidised?

Under the Certificate 3 Guarantee, the Queensland Government provides a subsidy for a range of certificate III level vocational qualifications.

Foundation skills training and lower-level vocational qualifications may also be subsidised in certain circumstances.

Am I eligible?

You must:

  • be a Queensland resident
  • be aged 15 years or over, and no longer at school (with the exception of VET in Schools students)
  • be an Australian or New Zealand citizen or Australian permanent resident (including humanitarian entrants), or a temporary resident with the necessary visa and work permits on the pathway to permanent residency
  • not hold, or be enrolled in, a certificate III level or higher qualification (not including qualifications completed at school and foundation skills training).

Additional opportunities may be available in exceptional circumstances where an individual does not meet the eligibility criteria for the program but circumstances indicate the objectives of the program will be met through a confirmed employment benefit. Additional opportunities will be considered on a case-by-case basis, upon request by a prospective student.

To learn more, prospective students can contact the Department of Trade, Employment and Training on 1300 369 935.

How can I participate?

It is important that you choose the right course for you to take full advantage of the program.

For information on choosing a training provider, read our training consumer tips.

The Queensland Skills Gateway displays the courses available under the Certificate 3 Guarantee and provides information about what they cover, the careers they can lead to, and the training providers approved to deliver them.

As a condition of your enrolment, you will be required to complete a student training and employment survey within 3 months of finishing or discontinuing your training.

What level of subsidy is available?

The subsidy represents the level of government contribution for a qualification, and varies between qualifications based on a number of factors.

The investment priority or importance of the training influences the size of the government subsidy. Training in vocational areas that align with important economic and industry skills needs will receive a higher government subsidy.

A higher subsidy will also be paid to support participation by disadvantaged learners (concessional students). More information on concessional student status is detailed in the Certificate 3 Guarantee program policy.

Do I need to contribute to the cost of training?

Students undertaking certificate III level training and non-concessional students undertaking lower-level vocational training are required to pay student co-contribution fees.

The amount of your co-contribution fees will vary depending on the course you undertake and the training provider you choose.

The fee may be paid on your behalf by an employer or another third party, but cannot be paid or waived by the training provider, or any organisation related to the training provider, unless approved by the department.

However, full costs (including co-contribution fees) for Certificate 3 Guarantee high priority qualifications are covered under the Fee-Free TAFE program.

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Last updated 21 March 2025

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