Training contacts
Telephone 1300 369 935
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Apprenticeships Info
Telephone 1800 210 210
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Queensland Training Ombudsman
Telephone 1800 773 048
Contact the Training Ombudsman
There are numerous services to support students with disability (including apprentices and trainees) to participate in vocational education and training (VET). This includes services that may assist transition into VET and then into employment.
The below list are some of these services, other services may be available in certain locations.
Skilling Queenslanders for Work
Skilling Queenslanders for Work helps eligible Queenslanders through tailored, local community-based support to gain the skills, qualifications and experience required to enter and stay in the workforce. Programs are targeted at different groups including people with disability, young people, mature-age job seekers, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, women re-entering the workforce, Australian Defence Force (ADF) veterans, recently released prisoners, and people from culturally and linguistically diverse background.
Certificate 3 Guarantee
Certificate 3 Guarantee provides funding to allow eligible Queenslanders to obtain their first post-school certificate III level qualification.
Training provider services
Reasonable adjustment (changes or modifications) can be made for students with disability participating in VET. If you need assistance to access and participate in VET, talk to your teacher, the training provider's disability services officer or relevant staff member as soon as possible about the reasonable adjustments that may be made.
Skills Disability Support
Skills Disability Support provides specialised technology and support services to approved training providers to assist students with disability to gain nationally recognised skills and qualifications.
Disabled Australian Apprentice Wage Support (DAAWS) Program
DAAWS has 2 components:
- a payment to assist employers of eligible apprentices and trainees with disability
- funding to training providers to provide extra help during off-the-job training for eligible individuals.
Find out more through your Apprentice Connect Australia Provider.
JobAccess can assist people with disability to find and keep jobs, get promoted, upgrade or expand their workplace skills, and more. Read more about:
- funding for changes to the workplace through the Employment Assistance Fund
- Disability Employment Services (DES) that help eligible participants find and maintain employment.
Transition to Work (TtW)
TtW supports young people aged 15–21 on their journey to employment. This Australian Government service provides intensive, pre-employment support to improve the work-readiness of young people and help them into work (including apprenticeships and traineeships) or education.
Ticket to Work
Ticket to Work helps prepare young people with disability for the world of work and provides an open employment pathway in their transition from school through a combination of vocational/career development and early contact with work environments. For further information, contact your school.
National Disability Coordination Officer (NDCO) program
The NDCO program seeks to address barriers to participation in tertiary education and employment for people with disability. This includes guidance on post-school options and supports to enable you to participate in education and subsequent employment to the same extent as people without disability.
National Equipment Database (NED)
NED provides impartial, unbiased information about assistive technology and equipment options across Australia. The website covers a wide range of equipment to assist people with disability in their everyday lives and includes technology and equipment that could assist in undertaking training.
National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)
The NDIS provides funding to eligible people with permanent and significant disability to help improve participation in the community and in employment.
The NDIS includes School Leaver Employment Support (SLES), which offers individualised support for eligible school leavers to get ready for work and plan a pathway to employment.
Resources for students with disability
The Australian Government's Department of Education has released resources for students with disability and their parents and caregivers. These resources have been co-designed by people with disability and provide practical information about the rights of students with disability and the obligations of education providers under the Disability Standards for Education 2005.