To work in certain occupations there is legislation at both a state and national level which requires people to meet occupational licensing or regulatory requirements. It is now mandated that occupational licensing requirements be integrated into the delivery of training packages and accredited courses, where applicable.

To meet Australian Skills Quality Authority requirements and any Department of Trade, Employment and Training contractual requirements, it is important that registered training organisations (RTOs) integrate any relevant occupational and regulatory requirements into their delivery strategy so that when students complete their training they are able to meet the occupational licensing and regulatory requirements to be able to work in that occupation.

More information

For more information in meeting these requirements, RTOs should research the occupational licensing requirements in the industry sectors relevant to their training delivery. Some suggested starting points are:


The department has previously developed a number of resources that may be useful to assist RTOs to integrate occupational licensing requirements into their training delivery.

Licensing standards and training packages: a guide to assist training package developers in integrating licensing standards within training packages (PDF, 169KB)
This guide is designed to assist training package developers and course developers with the process of considering and incorporating licensing requirements into training packages and courses.

Licensing standards and training packages: examples of good practice (PDF, 103KB)
This booklet is designed to complement the training package developer guide and provides high quality examples of licensing requirements being incorporated into training packages.

A number of reports on the licensing/training connection are accessible on the VOCED website, including the Stairway to a licence and beyond report.

Last updated 21 March 2025

Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia (CC BY 3.0)