Training contacts
Telephone 1300 369 935
Contact Training
Apprenticeships Info
Telephone 1800 210 210
Contact Apprenticeships Info
Queensland Training Ombudsman
Telephone 1800 773 048
Contact the Training Ombudsman
Training consumer tips
A list of tips to follow when enrolling in a training course to ensure you choose a training organisation delivering approved courses.
Student complaints
Information on where to go for assistance if you are not satisfied with the quality of the training provided or the service received from your training organisation.
School leavers' guide to jobs and training (PDF, 1.5MB)
Updated each year, this guide provides school leavers with useful information on a broad range of industries, careers and vocational education and training options, including links to emerging technologies and jobs in demand for each industry.
Be work smart pre-employment skills workbook
This practical workbook helps you to identify and understand the key skills and qualities that employers want, as well as providing job interview tips.
Further information
- Browse courses, training organisations, government funding and career pathways on the Queensland Skills Gateway.
- Learn about the types of courses and programs in vocational education and training.
- Find subsidised training options for individuals.
- Learn about apprenticeships and traineeships.