Training contacts
Telephone 1300 369 935
Contact Training
Apprenticeships Info
Telephone 1800 210 210
Contact Apprenticeships Info
Queensland Training Ombudsman
Telephone 1800 773 048
Contact the Training Ombudsman
Adult Community Education (ACE) provides a diverse array of vocational and learner interest focused education and training that fosters the development of skills required for individuals to participate fully in their communities and the economy.
ACE also contributes significantly to the engagement of learners who experience disadvantage or who are disengaged from learning by providing access to foundation skills and pathways into further learning, community participation and work.
For ACE learners
- view the list of Adult Community Education providers in Queensland
- visit useful links
- read the frequently asked questions for learners.
For ACE providers
- view the list of Adult Community Education providers in Queensland
- register to be added to the department's ACE provider list (PDF, 1.3MB)
- visit useful links
- read the frequently asked questions about being an ACE provider.
For further information on Adult Community Education in Queensland, email
News and events
Adult Learners' Week
Adult Learners' Week is held annually in September to celebrate and promote all forms of adult learning in the community. Visit the Adult Learners' Week website for more information.
Adult Learning Australia (ALA)
Adult Learning Australia (ALA) is the national peak body for Adult and Community Education. Visit the ALA website for:
- latest news
- forums and webinars for providers and learners.
Support for ACE
Australian governments will continue to support purpose built, community-based approaches to delivery through the adult community education sector:
- The Australian ACE Environmental Scan (PDF, 3.6MB) (2020 update), by ALA, profiles Australian ACE in terms of its distinctive features, current scope, and scale of providers and programs. It provides a contemporary profile of Australian ACE through desktop research and analysis of extant data.
- The national Ministerial declaration on adult community education (PDF, 1.5 MB) acknowledges adult community education is a significant contributor to education and training provision and demonstrates the commitment of government to work collaboratively to maximise positive outcomes from this sector in Australia.
- The National Foundation Skills Strategy for Adults (NFSS), launched in September 2012, is a 10-year framework which brings a national focus to improving education and employment outcomes for working age Australians with low levels of foundation skills (language, literacy, numeracy and employability skills). The NFSS recognises the role of adult community education in improving foundation skills.