The Skills Disability Support program provides specialised technology and support services to assist eligible students with disability to undertake Queensland Government subsidised training.

There are free resources available to borrow directly from pre-approved training providers, including magnification aids, specialised computer accessories, voice recognition and screen reading software.

Specialised support may also be funded and can include Auslan interpreters, disability coaches or mentors.

Check-in with your training provider to discuss your needs.

What is Skills Disability Support?

Skills Disability Support (SDS) is a Queensland Government program that provides specialised services direct to pre-approved training providers (Skills Assure suppliers) so eligible students can access subsidised support to assist with participation in accredited training as a pathway to sustainable employment.

SDS is administered by the Department of Trade, Employment and Training.

What services are available?

Based on your individual needs, abilities and career ambitions, services will be tailored to support your training needs.

The support must be reasonable and needs to consider everyone involved so that no one is disadvantaged. This includes you, your fellow students, your teachers/trainers and your training provider.

You may be able to access subsidised specialised support services, such as:

  • Auslan interpreters
  • disability support workers, coaches and mentors
  • notetakers/readers/scribes.

Depending on your needs, you may also borrow a range of specialised technology including:

  • equipment such as magnification aids and specialised computer accessories
  • assistive software, such as voice recognition and screen reading software.

Who can receive SDS services?

Your pre-approved training provider can apply for you to access dedicated disability support services through SDS if you:

  • have an identified disability
  • are undertaking eligible training subsidised by the department (funding limits apply to the program and to individual applications)
  • are over the age of 15 and are no longer at school
  • are not eligible to receive the same services through other initiatives.

How much will it cost?

Nothing—it is free.

The SDS specialised services and resources that you borrow through your training provider are supplied at no cost by the department.

On completion of your course, SDS services will cease and you will need to return any borrowed technological resources for someone else to use.

What can't I access through SDS?

SDS does not provide assistance with:

  • course fees, learning materials or teacher/trainer costs
  • general language, literacy or numeracy support
  • general health or care needs.

What do I do now?

Once you know the Queensland Government subsidised qualification and pre-approved training provider that suits you, contact them direct. The Queensland Skills Gateway website provides contact details of training providers offering your chosen qualification.

They will:

  • check your eligibility to receive SDS services
  • lodge an application on your behalf
  • arrange for you to receive the support if the application is approved.

For further information, phone Training Queensland on 1300 369 935.

Last updated 21 March 2025

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