Nominations for the 2025 Queensland Training Awards are open and will close 11.59pm, Sunday 23 March 2025 (AEST).
Webinar: Preparing your nomination
If you missed it, watch a recording of our live webinar, held on Wednesday, 26 February 2025.
In this webinar, you'll:
- gain valuable insights from past award winners and finalists
- learn how to craft a compelling nomination with expert tips and guidance on the submission process
- get answers to common questions from the live Q&A session.
A range of categories are available for individuals and organisations, with most contested at regional awards before progressing the state final.
Learn more about entering the awards, including who can nominate and how.
Eligibility and selection criteria
Individual award categories
Organisation award categories
Individual award categories
Harry Hauenschild Apprentice of the Year
For an apprentice who has been outstanding in all aspects of their training, completing during the financial year current at nomination time.
Eligibility – Apprentice of the Year
Nominees must:
- have completed, or be due to complete, their training (i.e. completion date) in the period of 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025 in a training course that leads to a nationally recognised outcome or qualification relevant to this award
- have a registered training contract with the Queensland Government's Department of Trade, Employment and Training
- be a permanent resident of Australia and meet the conditions of entry.
Download full eligibility and selection criteria for the Apprentice of the Year.
Bob Marshman Trainee of the Year
For a trainee who has been outstanding in all aspects of their training, completing during the financial year current at nomination time.
Eligibility – Trainee of the Year
Nominees must:
- have completed, or be due to complete, their training (i.e. completion date) in the period of 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025 in a training course that leads to a nationally recognised outcome or qualification relevant to this award
- have a registered training contract with the Queensland Government's Department of Trade, Employment and Training
- be a permanent resident of Australia and meet the conditions of entry.
Download full eligibility and selection criteria for the Trainee of the Year.
Vocational Student of the Year
For a vocational student who has been outstanding in all aspects of their training, completing during the financial year current at nomination time.
Eligibility – Vocational Student of the Year
Nominees must:
- have completed, or be due to complete, their training (i.e. completion date) in the period of 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025 in a training course that leads to a nationally recognised outcome or qualification relevant to this award
- be a full-time or part-time student, but not an apprentice or trainee
- be a permanent resident of Australia and meet the conditions of entry.
Download full eligibility and selection criteria for the Vocational Student of the Year.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Student of the Year
For an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander student who is outstanding in all aspects of their training and demonstrates the importance of lifelong learning for themselves and their community.
Eligibility – Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Student of the Year
Nominees must:
- meet eligibility and nominate for 1 of the following individual award categories
- Harry Hauenschild Apprentice of the Year
- Bob Marshman Trainee of the Year
- Vocational Student of the Year
- School-based Apprentice or Trainee of the Year
- select that they identify as being of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent and wish to also nominate for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Student of the Year award
- complete one additional selection criteria
- be a permanent resident of Australia and meet the conditions of entry.
School-based Apprentice or Trainee of the Year
For outstanding achievement by a Queensland school-based apprentice or trainee undertaking or completing a Certificate II or above qualification, enrolled at school at the time of nominating.
Eligibility – School-based Apprentice or Trainee of the Year
Nominees must:
- be undertaking/completing a Certificate II or above qualification through a school-based apprenticeship or traineeship
- be enrolled in school at the time of nomination*
- have a registered training contract with the Queensland Government's Department of Trade, Employment and Training
- be a permanent resident of Australia and meet the conditions of entry.
*If no longer at school at the time of nomination, they may be eligible for the apprentice, trainee or vocational student award categories.
Download full eligibility and selection criteria for the School-based Apprentice or Trainee of the Year.
Equity Student of the Year
For a student who has demonstrated outstanding achievement in overcoming a significant barrier or disadvantage to effectively participate in vocational education and training (VET).
Eligibility – Equity Student of the Year
Nominees must:
- have completed, or be due to complete, their training in the State of Queensland in the period of 1 January 2024 to 31 December 2025 in an apprenticeship, traineeship or training course that leads to a nationally recognised outcome or qualification
- have experienced a significant barrier or disadvantage to effective participating in VET, including by not limited to
- low level of education and skill development
- low literacy and numeracy skills
- disability
- culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, including refugees
- long-term unemployment
- health issues
- returning to the workforce following care-giving, family responsibilities or change of circumstance.
- meet the conditions of entry.
Note: This is a Queensland only award and does not progress to the Australian Training Awards.
Download full eligibility and selection criteria for the Equity Student of the Year.
VET Teacher or Trainer of the Year
For innovation and excellence by a teacher/trainer providing nationally recognised training to students at a registered training organisation (RTO) or in partnership with an RTO.
Eligibility – VET Teacher or Trainer of the Year
Nominees must:
- be a qualified teacher/trainer (as determined by the Standards for RTOs 2015), who is employed by an RTO or regularly contracted by an RTO
- have delivered training in Queensland during the period of 1 January 2024 to 31 December 2025, which has led to, or will lead to, nationally recognised qualifications or statements of attainment under the Australian Qualifications Framework
- provide letter of endorsement from your RTO and evidence of qualification
- be a permanent resident of Australia and meet the conditions of entry.
Download full eligibility and selection criteria for the VET Teacher or Trainer of the Year.
Organisation award categories
Large Training Provider of the Year (state only)
For a large registered training organisation, with 500 or more students, that demonstrates excellence in all aspects of vocational education and training.
Eligibility – Large Training Provider of the Year
Nominees must:
- be a registered training organisation (RTO)
- deliver vocational education and training (VET) as its core business
- deliver VET services in Queensland
- have 500 or more students enrolled at the time of nomination, as reported by RTOs in the most recent annual National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER) data collection period*
- meet the conditions of entry.
*If this criterion is not met, providers may be eligible for the Small Training Provider of the Year.
Note: This is a state-level award and is not contested regionally.
Download full eligibility and selection criteria for the Large Training Provider of the Year.
Small Training Provider of the Year (state only)
For a small registered training organisation, with fewer than 500 students, that demonstrates excellence in all aspects of vocational education and training.
Eligibility – Small Training Provider of the Year
Nominees must:
- be a registered training organisation (RTO)
- deliver vocational education and training (VET) as its core business
- deliver VET services in Queensland
- have fewer than 500 students enrolled at the time of nomination, as reported by RTOs in the most recent annual National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER) data collection period*
- meet the conditions of entry.
*If this criterion is not met, providers may be eligible for the Large Training Provider of the Year.
Note: This is a state-level award and is not contested regionally.
Download full eligibility and selection criteria for the Small Training Provider of the Year.
Community Training Initiative of the Year
For a community-based not-for-profit organisation delivering specific program or project (an initiative) to Queenslanders who need support to gain the skills, experience and qualifications required to enter and stay in the workplace.
Eligibility – Community Training Initiative of the Year
Nominees must:
- be a community-based organisation, based in Queensland, with not-for-profit objectives
- be delivering services in Queensland
- be able to demonstrate successful experience in providing tailored employment outcome-focused, community-based services and support to a range of participants, including
- young people
- mature age job seekers
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
- people with disability
- people re-entering the workplace
- people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds
- meet the conditions of entry.
Note: This is a Queensland only award and does not progress to the Australian Training Awards.
Download full eligibility and selection criteria for the Community Training Initiative of the Year.
Large Employer of the Year
For a large business, with 200 or more employees, that has achieved excellence in providing nationally recognised training to its workforce.
Eligibility – Large Employer of the Year
Nominees must:
- employ 200 or more full-time equivalent (FTE) employees*
- have a head office in Queensland
- have an Australian Business Number (ABN)
- deliver nationally recognised vocational education and training (VET) to their employees that leads to formal qualifications of statements of attainment issued by a registered training organisation under the Australian Qualifications Framework
- meet the conditions of entry.
*If this criterion is not met, employers may be eligible to apply for the Small or Medium Employer of the Year awards.
Joint nominations are accepted from partnerships between a single host employer and a group training organisation.
Nominations are not accepted from organisations whose core business is the delivery of VET.
Download full eligibility and selection criteria for the Large Employer of the Year.
Medium Employer of the Year
For a medium business, with 20 to 199 employees, that has achieved excellence in providing nationally recognised training to its workforce.
Eligibility – Medium Employer of the Year
Nominees must:
- employ 20 to 199 full-time equivalent (FTE) employees*
- have a head office in Queensland
- have an Australian Business Number (ABN)
- deliver nationally recognised vocational education and training (VET) to their employees that leads to formal qualifications of statements of attainment issued by a registered training organisation under the Australian Qualifications Framework
- meet the conditions of entry.
*If this criterion is not met, employers may be eligible to apply for the Small or Large Employer of the Year awards.
Joint nominations are accepted from partnerships between a single host employer and a group training organisation.
Nominations are not accepted from organisations whose core business is the delivery of VET.
Download full eligibility and selection criteria for the Medium Employer of the Year.
Small Employer of the Year
For a small business, with 19 or fewer employees, that has achieved excellence in providing nationally recognised training to its workforce.
Eligibility – Small Employer of the Year
Nominees must:
- employ 19 or fewer full-time equivalent (FTE) employees*
- have a head office in Queensland
- have an Australian Business Number (ABN)
- deliver nationally recognised vocational education and training (VET) to their employees that leads to formal qualifications of statements of attainment issued by a registered training organisation under the Australian Qualifications Framework
- meet the conditions of entry.
*If this criterion is not met, employers may be eligible to apply for the Medium or Large Employer of the Year awards.
Joint nominations are accepted from partnerships between a single host employer and a group training organisation.
Nominations are not accepted from organisations whose core business is the delivery of VET.
Download full eligibility and selection criteria for the Small Employer of the Year.
Premier's Industry Collaboration Award (state only)
For an exemplary skills development collaboration between at least 1 employer/industry body and at least 1 training provider.
Eligibility – Premier's Industry Collaboration Award
Nominees must:
- have at least 1 party that is an industry organisation (e.g. employer, enterprise, group of enterprises, industry association, industry advisory body, trade union or professional assocation)
- have at least 1 party that is delivering nationally recognised vocational education and training (VET) or directly contributing to the outcomes of nationally recognised VET which leads to formal qualifications or statements of attainment under the Australian Qualifications Framework
- have the lead organisation's head office in Queensland
- meet the conditions of entry.
Note: This is a state-level award and is not contested regionally.
Download full eligibility and selection criteria for the Premier's Industry Collaboration Award.
More information
Find out how to prepare a nomination.
What happens after you nominate?
- Learn about judging and the interview process.
- Check key dates and events.