Industry Skills Solutions will fast-track skills development in industries that are critical to Queensland's growing economy.

An initial $8 million investment for 2024–25 will focus on 4 priority industry areas:

  • aged care
  • construction
  • early childhood education and care
  • women working in non-traditional industries.

This is a collaborative co-design model where employers and industry will partner with the Queensland Government, and training providers to create and deliver fit-for-purpose training responses to:

  • attract and retain new workers
  • reskill, upskill, or build on the existing qualifications and skills of existing employees
  • initiate skilling solutions where an accredited pathway is not yet available.

Under Industry Skills Solutions, initiatives will focus on:

  • Vocational education and training products
    The development of vocational education and training (VET) products, such as new qualifications, micro-credentials, skill sets, units of competency and non-accredited training courses.
  • Skills gap training
    The development of solutions that analyse and address the gaps between an employee's existing skills and those required by changing rapidly industries.
  • Workforce development
    The development of strategies to help businesses prepare their workforce for evolving workplaces with emerging technologies. The focus here is on rapidly changing and growing industries.

More information

Email or phone 1300 369 935 for enquiries about Industry Skills Solutions.

Delivering for Queensland

The Industry Skills Solutions program is an action of the Queensland Skills Strategy, which is driving industry-led solutions to the critical skills needs for rapidly emerging industries – securing a pipeline of skills for Queensland's economy. The Queensland Skills Strategy is Queensland's roadmap to deliver the National Skills Agreement, working with the Australian Government.

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Last updated 12 September 2024

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