Local workforce and skilling solutions across Queensland
Regional Jobs Committees (RJCs) address the unique training and workforce challenges of regional communities across Queensland. From Cairns in the north to the Gold Coast in the south, 12 RJCs are coordinating skilling and workforce solutions to meet local needs.
Video transcript
[Brett Hall, Executive Director, Department of Employment, Small Business and Training]
The Queensland Workforce Strategy is the Queensland Government’s comprehensive whole-of-government workforce strategy.
The strategy includes a focus on local solutions. We know that Queensland is a decentralised state and workforce challenges and workforce opportunities vary across each of our regions.
Regional Jobs Committees are around government enabling local communities to put together collaborative workforce solutions that are aligned to their local priorities and local context.
[Andy Eves-Brown, Chair, Sunshine Coast Regional Jobs Committee]
It's fantastic that the Queensland Government have really identified that, yes, we've got these workforce strategies, but they really need to be localised to the individual areas.
Each of the regions around Queensland have their different challenges and have their different solutions to those challenges. And so to be able to bring it into a local focus, has been really important.
[Michelle Hay, Chair, Jobs Fraser Coast Regional Jobs Committee]
The Regional Jobs Committee has been really successful in bringing stakeholders together in working with industry and also educating industry about perhaps thinking a little bit differently about, you know, their unicorn employee.
So thinking differently about the hours of work, the nature of work, the type of employee that they're looking to recruit. We're trying to make sure people stay in the region and grow within the region.
[Jodie Duignan-George, Chair, Cairns Regional Jobs Committee]
The committee is currently focused on the pillars in the Queensland Workforce Strategy that includes transition to work, skilling our local workforce into the future, workforce participation and also the underrepresented populations.
[Brett Hall]
Regional Jobs Committees are taking forward a range of workforce solutions in communities right across Queensland. To find out more, you can contact your local Regional Jobs Committee. There's also a range of information on support available under the Queensland Workforce Strategy available on our website.
How RJCs can help
In 2024, Regional Jobs Committees will play a vital role in the Good People. Good Jobs: Queensland Workforce Strategy 2022–2032, connecting regional communities to workforce and skilling opportunities through region-specific solutions.
Through their efforts, RJCs:
- identify local workforce challenges and connect stakeholders with government programs, resources, and events
- address barriers to training, workforce participation and business growth
- develop strategies to resolve skills gaps and workforce issues
- support regional job growth and plan for future employment needs
- foster collaboration among local businesses, industry leaders, government, training providers and schools to align local skills with economic activity.
Host organisation: Regional Development Australia, Wide Bay Burnett
Project Manager: Tim Sayre
Email: projects@jobsbundaberg.com.au
Chair: Jason Searle, Master Plumbers Association
Find out more about the Bundaberg RJC's membership and action plan.
Host organisation: Cairns Chamber of Commerce
Project manager: Janelle Yarwood
Email: rjc@cairnschamber.com.au
Chair: Jodie Duignan-George, CQ University
Find out more about the Cairns RJC's membership and action plan.
Central Queensland
Host organisation: Central Queensland Regional Organisation of Councils
Project manager: Cassie Brophy
Email: pmrjc@cqroc.org.au
Chair: Mick Allen, NBN Co.
Find out more about the Central Queensland RJC's membership and action plan.
Fraser Coast
Host organisation: Regional Development Australia, Wide Bay Burnett
Project manager: Kirsty Hill
Email: projects@jobsfrasercoast.com.au
Chair: Michelle Hay, University of the Sunshine Coast
Find out more about the Fraser Coast RJC's membership and action plan.
Gold Coast
Host organisation: Gold Coast City Council
Project manager: Millo Hosseini
Email: MHOSSEINI@goldcoast.qld.gov.au
Chair: Kathy Kruger, Gold Coast Health and Knowledge Precinct
Find out more about the Gold Coast RJCs membership and action plan.
Greater Whitsunday
Host organisation: Greater Whitsunday Alliance (GW3)
Project manager: Georgia Lavers
Email: georgia@gw3.com.au
Chair: Carissa Mansfield, North Queensland Bulk Ports
Find out more about the Greater Whitsunday RJC's membership and action plan.
Mount Isa
Host organisation: Mount Isa City Council
Project manager: Natasha Storey
Email: natasha.storey@mountisa.qld.gov.au
Chair: Chris Ruyg, 54 Reasons
Host organisation: Redlands Coast Chamber of Commerce
Project manager: Kate Adams
Email: jobs@redlandscoastchamber.org.au
Chair: Des Kerr, People and Culture Consulting
Find out more about the Redlands RJC's membership and action plan.
Host organisation: Regional Development Australia, Ipswich and West Moreton
Project manager: Liz Conroy
Email: project@springfieldrjc.org.au
Chair: Rees Banks, Regional Development Australia, Ipswich and West Moreton
Find out more about the Springfield RJC's membership and action plan.
Sunshine Coast
Host organisation: Caloundra Chamber of Commerce
Project manager: Tracey Coobula
Email: projects@scrjc.com.au
Chair: Andrew Eves-Brown, Turbine
Find out more about the Sunshine Coast RJC's membership and action plan.
Host organisation: Regional Development Australia, Darling Downs and Southwest
Project manager: Michelle Hillman
Email: projects@rda-ddsw.org.au
Chair: Robyn Haig, Regional Development Australia, Darling Downs and Southwest
Find out more about the Toowoomba RJC's membership and action plan.
Townsville North Queensland
Host organisation: Regional Development Australia, Townsville and Northwest Queensland
Project manager: Lisa McDonald
Email: jtnq@rdanwq.org.au
Chair: Dean Deighton, Ai Group
Find out more about the Townsville North Queensland RJC's membership and action plan.
For enquiries contact rjc@desbt.qld.gov.au.