Training contacts
Telephone 1300 369 935
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Apprenticeships Info
Telephone 1800 210 210
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Queensland Training Ombudsman
Telephone 1800 773 048
Contact the Training Ombudsman
The Queensland Government Building and Construction Training Policy (PDF, 295KB) supports employment opportunities and skills development in Queensland's building and construction industry. The Training Policy also focuses on increasing economic outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Queenslanders in the industry.
The Training Policy is one element in a longstanding partnership between the building and construction industry and the Queensland Government to develop the industry's skills base and future workforce capability. It requires contractors to employ Queensland apprentices and trainees and undertake other workforce training as a mandated component of being awarded work on eligible Queensland Government projects.
The Training Policy applies to eligible Queensland Government and government owned corporations (GOCs) building and/or civil construction projects throughout Queensland. The core requirement is that a minimum of 10% of the total labour hours on eligible projects be undertaken by Queensland apprentices and/or trainees and through other workforce training. From 1 September 2017, this core requirement increased to 15% for eligible major building and/or civil construction projects.
All Queensland Government departments and statutory bodies, as defined in the Financial Accountability Act 2009 and government owned corporations are required to comply with the Training Policy.
Eligible projects
Eligible projects are Queensland Government building projects with a contract sum of $500,000 or greater (including GST), and civil construction projects with a contract sum of $3 million or greater (including GST). Eligible projects include:
- projects throughout Queensland, including projects in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities
- projects that are selected as Indigenous projects by Queensland Government agencies
- public private partnerships
- all building and/or civil construction projects with a contract sum above $20 million (including GST) tendered or undertaken by government owned corporations will also be eligible projects.
From 1 September 2017, additional requirements apply to eligible major building and/or civil construction projects with a contract sum of $100 million or greater (including GST). This requirement applies to projects tendered or undertaken by Queensland Government agencies, statutory authorities and GOCs.
Major projects
On major Queensland Government and GOC building and/or civil construction projects with a contract sum of $100 million or greater (including GST), the following additional requirements must be fulfilled:
- a core requirement that a minimum of 15% of the total labour hours on eligible projects is to be undertaken by Queensland apprentices and/or trainees and through other workforce training
- the contractor is required to develop and implement a skills development plan, with the intent of developing the skills of existing workers and new entrants
- training delivery is to be linked to occupational outcomes in applicable nationally accredited training packages that are identified in the skills development plan for the particular project
- a training coordinator is to be employed by the principal contractor to ensure the implementation of the skills development plan.
For further information, refer to the guidelines for contractors – skills development plan for major projects below.
Indigenous projects
There are 2 categories of Indigenous projects under the Training Policy:
- eligible projects located in an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander community and the Township of Weipa
- eligible projects located throughout the rest of Queensland that are selected as Indigenous projects through a written agreement between the Director-General of the Queensland Government agency or GOC and the Director-General of the Department of Women, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships and Multiculturalism (DWATSIPM).
The compliance requirements for Indigenous projects under the Training Policy are the same regardless of whether it is located in an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander community or outside of these communities.
For further information on the additional requirements for Indigenous projects, refer to the Guidelines for Indigenous Projects below as well as the processes for Indigenous projects.
Training Policy Administration System
The Queensland Government administers and reports Training Policy compliance data through the Training Policy Administration System (TPAS). This is a mechanism for reporting compliance with the Training Policy. The Department of Trade, Employment and Training manages and maintains TPAS on behalf of the Queensland Government.
Queensland Government agencies and GOCs are required to submit project information into the TPAS for eligible projects once the contract has been awarded. Queensland Government agencies and GOCs can then access TPAS for their own compliance monitoring and reporting purposes.
Compliance and reporting requirements for the Training Policy will be a condition of contract. The contractor awarded the project will be required to submit the Compliance Plan, enter the labour and training hours for Queensland apprentices/trainees and other workforce training, upload any compliance documents and submit the Practical Completion Report electronically using TPAS.
Contractors will be informed of their compliance performance based on the data that they have entered into TPAS. Contractors can review their progressive achievement at any stage throughout the lifetime of the project on the TPAS portal.
To receive access to TPAS, email
Training Policy documents and resources
- Guidelines for contractors (PDF, 455KB)
- Guidelines for contractors – skills development plan for major projects (PDF, 351KB)
- Guidelines for Indigenous projects (PDF, 477KB)
- Guidelines for Queensland Government agencies (PDF, 433KB)
- TPAS user manual for government agencies, government-owned corporations and management procurement agencies (PDF, 6.7MB)
- TPAS user manual for principal contractors (PDF, 6.6MB)
Frequently asked questions
Indigenous project processes and templates
The processes and templates listed below also support Indigenous projects under the Training Policy.
Eligible projects located in an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander community and the Township of Weipa:
- remote discrete Indigenous communities process
- remote discrete Indigenous economic opportunities overview
- remote discrete Indigenous economic opportunities plan template
- eligible projects map.
Eligible projects located throughout the rest of Queensland selected as Indigenous projects:
- selected Indigenous projects process
- selected Indigenous economic opportunities overview
- selected Indigenous economic opportunities plan template.
Contract clauses for Queensland Government agencies
The Department of Housing and Public Works (DHPW) provides a suite of building contracts for use on government building projects.
The Department of Transport and Main Roads provides a suite of civil construction contracts for use on government construction work.
Note that standard clauses for use in documentation for eligible projects under the Training Policy can be found on the above sites.
Training Policy compliance audits
The Buy Queensland Audit Unit supports the Training Policy through audit, investigation and education activities. The unit undertakes compliance audits against the Training Policy to ensure that contractors meet their contractual obligations relating to the policy. An annual program of audit will be undertaken as well as investigations into complaints or referrals that allege non-compliance with the Training Policy.
If the project is selected for audit, the contractor will be requested by the Buy Queensland Audit Unit to provide evidence to support all labour and training hours that have been recorded in the TPAS portal.
Contact information
Department of Trade, Employment and Training
Phone: 1300 369 935
Department of Women, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships and Multiculturalism
Indigenous projects within remote discrete Indigenous communities
Remote Indigenous Land and Infrastructure Program Office
Phone: (07) 4252 5115
Mobile: 0499 371 802
Indigenous projects located throughout the rest of Queensland
Economic Participation
Phone: (07) 3003 6376
Department of Housing and Public Works
Buy Queensland Audit Unit
Phone: 1300 105 030