Training contacts
Telephone 1300 369 935
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Apprenticeships Info
Telephone 1800 210 210
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Queensland Training Ombudsman
Telephone 1800 773 048
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The Gateway to Industry Schools program (GISP) builds partnerships between schools and industry to enable young people to acquire the knowledge, skills and attributes to participate effectively in the Queensland economy. The program provides opportunities for industry and the education sector to work together to deliver outcomes for students, local communities and businesses.
Participating students are exposed to a range of learning experiences to assist them in their career choices and pathways to employment.
Each project is led by industry organisations which develop and implement tailored school engagement activities in line with their industry's key skills and workforce priorities. Industry organisations choose how the industry specific projects operate and the type and level of engagement with participating schools.
Twelve industries are currently involved in GISP.
Visit the relevant industry below to find:
- student and teacher engagement activities
- how schools can participate, including current participating schools
- events and opportunities
- project manager contact details.
School to Work Transitions program
The School to Work Transitions program is an expansion of GISP aimed at improving school to work transitions for school students in priority groups.
This program will deliver funding over 3 years to support school students who are at risk of not transitioning successfully from school to further education, training or employment by providing tailored solutions to improve post-school outcomes.
Contact us
Industry Engagement
Department of Trade, Employment and Training
Phone: 1300 369 935
PO Box 15483