Training contacts
Telephone 1300 369 935
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Telephone 1800 210 210
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Queensland Training Ombudsman
Telephone 1800 773 048
Contact the Training Ombudsman
A group training organisation (GTO) is a corporation established predominately to provide training and employment opportunities. GTOs employ apprentices and trainees and are responsible for ensuring that those employees receive suitable training and experience. To achieve this aim, the GTO will find a suitable 'host' employer for each apprentice or trainee to work with on a daily basis.
Apprentices and trainees employed by GTOs may spend their entire apprenticeship or traineeship with one host employer who can offer them a well-rounded training experience. Alternatively, they may be rotated around a number of host employers who can each offer a specialised area of training.
Employers who may not otherwise have been able to employ an apprentice or trainee have an opportunity to participate in the training system by hosting an apprentice or trainee for a nominated period of time.
In Queensland, GTOs are collectively the largest employer of apprentices and trainees. They provide a service that is well-recognised and understood within the community, and the group training name is associated with quality services. Corporations that are recognised as GTOs in Queensland will have met both Queensland and national requirements, and are entitled to use the National Group Training logo within Queensland. More information about the use of the logo can be found in the group training organisations section of the Australian Apprenticeships website.
Recognition of GTOs in Queensland is governed by the Further Education and Training Act 2014 (the Act).
Under the Act, the Department of Trade, Employment and Training can recognise corporations, which meet the requirements as listed in the group training organisation operational manual to operate as GTOs.