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Telephone 1800 210 210
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Queensland Training Ombudsman
Telephone 1800 773 048
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Both the department and the group training organisation (GTO) have responsibilities in respect of audits:

The department is responsible for:

  • providing auditors with information on the scope and history of the GTO being audited
  • providing a departmental observer during the audit, if considered necessary, to advise the auditor on matters relating to the employment and training of apprentices and trainees
  • dealing with any issues that arise during the audit period
  • reviewing the independent audit report and examining other issues, such as operational complaints, to determine whether or not a GTO is meeting the National Standards.

The GTO is required to:

  • select an approved auditor
  • organise times with the auditor to conduct audit activities
  • provide the auditor with all copies of self-assessment reports, as they will form the basis of the audit
  • provide sufficient, valid and reliable evidence to enable the auditor to form a professional opinion on whether or not the National Standards have been met
  • provide reasonable resources to ensure an effective and efficient audit process
  • ensure that management and staff are made aware of the audit process against the National Standards for Group Training Organisations.

The cost of the auditing service, including the initial compliance audit and any rectification work undertaken involving any additional services, is borne by the GTO or applicant for recognition.

Last updated 29 July 2019

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